Tuesday, 11 June 2013

March*April*May Update

I lay low for a while, primarily because I had forgotten my password and was way too busy to bother retrieving it. Secondly, and probably more tellingly, I did not feel like sharing any more of my hectic life until I have reached a place within myself where I felt content and able to string straight(ish) chains of thoughts together again.

And, here I am - happy and content, though still mega busy. I owe you an update on my 'wee' experience. I can say that for me it worked! My skin is not perfect, but in combination with using only paraben and sulfate free skin care products I have not had a major outbreak in a couple of months (unless I touched garlic - DAH!). Introducing more raw food enhanced my energy levels too and turning 30 tasted fantastically yummy! Celebrating at NAMA (www.namafoods.com) was divine - best birthday cake EVER!

Aside form such 'trivial' pursuits as clearing up my skin I accepted a conditional offer for a PGCE place, meaning I will be doing my teacher training this autumn, providing I fulfil set conditions. Those are:

- passing a Literacy & Maths skills test (dull, but I see why one might need to do this)

- doing Maths & Literacy GCSE's (I obtained 2 degrees, both of which I read in English and I got A-level Maths & English in the bag, yet I am required to get GCSE grad C in those subjects)

- [best of all] learn French (from scratch)

Now, I can deal with Maths & English, in spite of being close to dying of ennui. However, facing my dislike of everything French was a bigger challenge. My aversion to France & The French is utterly irrational (ignoring the few family related issues with this country). So I decided this is in fact THE time to ditch another useless conviction and overcome my 'phobia'.

After all, I eradicated my paralysing fear of hospitality and ended up exploring various parts of this sector (successfully). Next, I tackled my apprehensions regarding disability by meeting a dazzling array of wonderful and warm children and young adults living with diverse forms of disabilities - and I thoroughly enjoyed my learning curve. Thus far, my encounter with 'French' has been invigorating, frustrating at times but 100% what the doctor ordered! Looking at my track record in overcoming obstacles, France & I might be heading towards a 'love affair'... I even got a blog 'en français':

I cannot, at this point, say if becoming a teacher is really right for me, although my soul path has apparently got neon signs stating "Natural Born Teacher", but that remains yet to be seen. Though I feel very stretched, yearning for more hours in a day, approaching this madness from my heart somehow puts me in an OK place.

A tiny step closer to actually embodying an Urban Yogi.
Yours truly!

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