Thursday 27 December 2012

Why this blog?

'Living in the Heart' has been an ideal I was introduced to in Dec 2011 in a meditation workshop (Awakening the Illuminated Heart -!awakening-the-illuminated-heart) I took part in. Although this meditation changed my whole worldview and I was so, so, SO determined to practise it every day to alter my lifestyle accordingly, I got sucked back into my hectic London life pretty swiftly.
Only when I joined a bigger group to take the workshop in Mexico/Yucatan did I fully immerse myself into this work. Spending 12 days with a fantastic group of people looking to becoming happy, seeing beauty, living truthfully, feeling grateful for life and genuinely experiencing being ONE changed me and I cannot imagine living my life from anywhere else (mind for example) than the heart anymore.
Previously, much like Mr Rossi I have been waiting for my 'luck' to change, happiness to finally come once I lost weight, get the right job, make my relationship better, bladi bla,... but now I have begun to find happiness inside of me. It may sound corny but I felt it. Now the tricky task commences - staying in the heart despite my hectic London lifestyle and enduring the natural 'high' of happiness that filled my body and boggled my mind!
Like one of the organisers said it is about becoming an URBAN YOGI now that we wallowed in the uplifting energies of Maya land and plant this seed in London!
However, on my first day back in London - Christmas Eve - I realised this will be a much much harder mission than anticipated and hence I created this space to share my experiences, note my reflections for later and have a good old (English) moan about my struggles. As I learn to make this feeling of honest happiness a permanent one the challenges will surely vanish into thin air! :)
Your Urban Yogi

by Phil Clegg

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