As a follow up to the last blog, and a little bit delayed due to my workload, the answer to my killer headache: 'Lose your head' was the message I got from different messengers. First I got the message on the day of the headache but it seemed to blimming obvious for me to take it on board. When I was not certain a friend from our trip, Tiffany, sent us a message about her revelation during her second trip to Pelenque. The Mayans played a game where the winners lost their heads after succeeding. Maybe in later stages of their civilisation this might have become literal and was about humans sacrificing themselves. Yet the feeling that a few people of our group independently shared was that really this was about losing the ego, about not needing your head anymore and ascend.
Losing your head is generally not seen as something desirable. By definition of the English Club ( it is about getting angry and losing your temper. The type of losing your head I am referring to, as was Tiffany, is the kind that I tried to get my husband to understand yesterday. Much like the ancient Egyptians the Mayans and many native tribal people believe that it is about living in the heart. Being in your heart means being connected - to your instincts (or call it higher selves), to your community, to everyone and everything. Being in the head, as much of Western society is, is about feeding the ego. This way we managed to destroy our planet, exploit the land and people in order for some to gain a lot and many to be left with too little to survive. Hence, losing your head is about once again becoming connected.
To give an example, my husband had a potential work opportunity come unexpectedly into his life that deviates from the shape or form of work he initially imagined. Now I am so glad and grateful that life/the universe provides him with the opportunity to look inside and figure out if this feels right to him. I sensed opportunity to develop his skills away from big, impersonal companies but work for people that value his work, value him. Yet rather than feeling this connection with the universe that is looking out for him and being grateful for it, he is slightly worried of the unknown. Instead of seeing that him leading his life true to himself brings opportunity his mind kicks in. What about the money, what will this mean, how can it work.
I get it, from a mind's perspective we want to plan, understand every detail of the deal, forecast what it will mean and how it fits in with a future career - will I be successful living in a decent house and provide for my family? One will never know for sure. We think we are secure if we go about this logically, if we have a grand master plan and make a thought through 'wise' decision. The wisest decisions however are not made from the head. Lose your head! The head is in duality and wants to control because we live in fear. The fear of not having enough money, of not leading a happy, successful life, etc. What the message I got conveys is to go inside, dream about it and sense where this opportunity might take you. Do you love it? Are you exhilarated by what this type of opportunity could do to your life? Does the environment, the life you could create this way feels right to you? Even if the answer is no, it is not right for me, it is fine because it is truthful. And if it is right to you, stop worrying about money, go for it, because you do it out of love and passion, you will succeed! It is not what you do, it is why you do it!
If we could come to feel that we are guided in our lives, that there is abundance out there and if we lose the restrictions of our minds, the mechanical worldview, but see us as organic part of our world we might actually stand a chance to be happy. I say this because I need to hear it myself, not to you out there, not to my husband, not to my parents, but to my ego. Together we create this world and it is time for a new way, a way from the heart.
Your HEADLESS Urban Yogi
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