In the last post I made it quite clear I am fed up of feeling tired and miserable. Much of me not feeling well has to do with food and what my body seems to 'like' and 'dislike'. Garlic for example gives me the most hideous headaches, followed a couple days later by itchy pimpls around my jawline. YUCK! Refined sugar (I LOVE CHOCOLATE) results in fatigue and pair this with wheat and I am in 'La La Land', quite zoned out and not able to focus, usually leading to some stomach pain, feeling sickly and generally not doing great.
Now, I am not 'strong' enough to resist the temptation of 'nice' tasting food and every now and then I give into my urges to stuff my face. This is when I know what I am bargaining with and I have gotten over beating myself up for it - YEY! The times when it does bug me that I react to some foods in this way is when I have forgotten or not realised that there was such an ingredent in my meal. Take sushi for example; I ate 'healthyly' and completely blanked on the fact that soy sauce has wheat in it. It took a while for me to register that THAT was the reason for me feeling rubbish again.
One thing I have been doing is to 'STOP' for 1 minute before eating 'no-go-foods' and redirect my energy towards a desirable image I have of me doing what I love, floating in rays of colour and joy (sounds pretty hippy but feels amazing!). I struggled with this exercise though as it brought up all my anger I ever felt towards food, inept perceptions of my self and my body. 'Do not try this at home!' (or unsupervised) is my warning for this simple exercise as it is super powerful and I needed much assistance from Catherine Shainberg to deal with the anger that came up. I did a good job and am back on the 1 minute exercise as from today. See how 'Take 2' goes.
On the other hand I have been thinking about a friend from my Mexico journey who talked about living off prana and giving up food altogether. I am intrigued by the idea. I heard about the idea a while ago and thought I 'LOVE' food too much to not have food anymore as part of my daily life, leave it till I feel ready for it, thinking that day would NEVER come. However, I ordered a book called 'The Food of Gods' which arrived yesterday, talking about the preparation needed to get to living off divine nutrition and the pitfalls. Funny enough I also received an email from that friend the same day as I got the book, sharing his experience of going 'off' food and only occasionally drinking some water now. It is amazing. He is practising yoga, going for hikes and feels - after a period of no energy - absolutely fine now. It sounds liberating and just unbelievable.
Save to say I am nowhere near becoming a Breatharian ( but I am slowly getting fed up hearing my body over and over again screaming at my food choices. Although it will scare my husband and probably freak out most of the people I know I consider embarking on the slow road to giving up food by starting to give up meat and visiting my friends raw food restaurant ( to see what that lifestyle is all about.
Who knows, 2013 might be the year I give up food all together and start living off pranic energy... but not just yet! ;)
With a bowl of greek yoghurt and oats in my belly,
Your Urban Yogi
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