Watching the film 'Iron Lady' was not intended for educational purposes but for light entertainment. It was on Sunday night at 9pm and I had not even intended to finish watching it. Meryl Streep's performance was outstanding thought and I somehow ended up liking Margaret Thatcher. While I am as far from a 'Tori' as I could possibly be (other than my husband lying next to me of course) and do not agree with what she's done to the education system nor can I identify with her believes, I have a new found admiration for her determination and convictions.
See, I do not like arguments anymore, most of the time I remain quite rather than speak my mind, yet I burst into heated arguments with loved ones (usually reserved for the ones nearest and dearest to me) and beat myself up afterwards for doing it. One line of the film stuck with me 'These days it is about who you are, not about what you do anymore - this is wrong' (paraphrased). What good is it trying to be a person living in the heart in theory, calling myself an Urban Yogi if my actions do not match? I realised my journey is not about the words I say necessarily but it needs to be about my actions. Putting myself out there and giving it my best shot. Margaret Thatcher thought it was her 'DUTY' to make a difference in the lives of people. She asked herself what good is a life if you do not make it count.
Indeed she was right. I reckon her heart was in the right place, but when we take actions led by our egos and logic we will not find the best solution for all but always only for the few. However, what Maggie did was to stand up and try to make a difference. I do not feel I want to be as loud and hard as she was but I nonetheless am inspired to follow my convictions. Thus 2013 I plan to DO and hold my heart open, imagining a world where we care for each other, take care of the planet and do what is best for all of us.
Ready to dream and do 'important things' in the morning,
Your Urban Yogi
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